1、新建一Sphere,然后为其赋予材质,注意材质的Shader类型为:Mobile/particles/Alpha Blended,然后将做好的全景图贴上去
1 using UnityEngine; 2 using System.Collections; 3 using UnityEngine.UI; 4 5 public class GyroController_01 : MonoBehaviour 6 { 7 public float moveSpeed = 1;//物体旋转速度 8 public GameObject target; 9 10 private Vector2 oldPosition; 11 private Vector2 oldPosition1; 12 private Vector2 oldPosition2; 13 14 15 private float distance = 0; 16 private bool flag = false; 17 //摄像头的位置 18 private float x = 0f; 19 private float y = 0f; 20 //左右滑动移动速度 21 public float xSpeed = 250f; 22 public float ySpeed = 120f; 23 //缩放限制系数 24 public float yMinLimit = -360; 25 public float yMaxLimit = 360; 26 //是否旋转 27 private bool isRotate = true; 28 //计数器 29 private float count = 0; 30 31 //初始化游戏信息设置 32 void Start() 33 { 34 Vector3 angles = transform.eulerAngles; 35 x = angles.y; 36 y = angles.x; 37 if (GetComponent()) 38 GetComponent ().freezeRotation = true; 39 } 40 41 42 43 // Update is called once per frame 44 void Update() 45 { 46 47 if (isRotate) 48 { 49 50 target.transform.Rotate(Vector3.down, Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed, Space.World); 51 52 } 53 if (!isRotate) 54 { 55 count += Time.deltaTime; 56 if (count > 5) 57 { 58 count = 0; 59 isRotate = true; 60 } 61 } 62 63 //触摸类型为移动触摸 64 if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) 65 { 66 //根据触摸点计算X与Y位置 67 x += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * xSpeed * Time.deltaTime; 68 y -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * ySpeed * Time.deltaTime; 69 isRotate = false; 70 } 71 //判断鼠标滑轮是否输入 72 float temp = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"); 73 if (temp != 0) 74 { 75 if (temp > 0) 76 { 77 // 这里的数据是根据我项目中的模型而调节的,大家可以自己任意修改 78 if (distance > -15) 79 { 80 distance -= 0.5f; 81 } 82 } 83 if (temp < 0) 84 { 85 // 这里的数据是根据我项目中的模型而调节的,大家可以自己任意修改 86 if (distance < 20) 87 { 88 distance += 0.5f; 89 } 90 } 91 } 92 93 } 94 95 //计算距离,判断放大还是缩小。放大返回true,缩小返回false 96 bool IsEnlarge(Vector2 oP1, Vector2 oP2, Vector2 nP1, Vector2 nP2) 97 { 98 //old distance 99 float oldDistance = Mathf.Sqrt((oP1.x - oP2.x) * (oP1.x - oP2.x) + (oP1.y - oP2.y) * (oP1.y - oP2.y));100 //new distance 101 float newDistance = Mathf.Sqrt((nP1.x - nP2.x) * (nP1.x - nP2.x) + (nP1.y - nP2.y) * (nP1.y - nP2.y));102 103 if (oldDistance < newDistance)104 {105 //zoom+ 106 return true;107 }108 else109 {110 //zoom- 111 return false;112 }113 }114 115 //每帧执行,在Update后 116 void LateUpdate()117 {118 if (target)119 {120 //重置摄像机的位置121 y = ClampAngle(y, yMinLimit, yMaxLimit);122 var rotation = Quaternion.Euler(y, x, 0);123 var position = rotation * (new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -distance)) + target.transform.position;124 125 transform.rotation = rotation;126 transform.position = position;127 }128 }129 float ClampAngle(float angle, float min, float max)130 {131 if (angle < -360)132 angle += 360;133 if (angle > 360)134 angle -= 360;135 return Mathf.Clamp(angle, min, max);136 137 }138 139 }
Unity中重力感应的取值范围时 -1.0~1.0
X轴:home按键在下手机面朝天 向右旋转90度重力分量为1.0 向左旋转90度重力分量为-1.0 Y轴:Home按键在上手机背面朝自己重力分量为1.0 Home按键在下手机面朝自己重力分量为-1.0 Z轴:手机面朝地面重力分量为1.0 手机面朝天空重力分量为1.0
2、新建一Sphere,然后为其赋予材质,注意材质的Shader类型为:Mobile/particles/Alpha Blended,然后将做好的全景图贴上去
1 // *********************************************************** 2 // Written by Heyworks Unity Studio http://unity.heyworks.com/ 3 // *********************************************************** 4 using UnityEngine; 5 6 ///7 /// Gyroscope controller that works with any device orientation. 8 /// 9 public class GyroController : MonoBehaviour 10 { 11 #region [Private fields] 12 13 private bool gyroEnabled = true; 14 private const float lowPassFilterFactor = 0.2f; 15 16 private readonly Quaternion baseIdentity = Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0); 17 private readonly Quaternion landscapeRight = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 90); 18 private readonly Quaternion landscapeLeft = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -90); 19 private readonly Quaternion upsideDown = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 180); 20 21 private Quaternion cameraBase = Quaternion.identity; 22 private Quaternion calibration = Quaternion.identity; 23 private Quaternion baseOrientation = Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0); 24 private Quaternion baseOrientationRotationFix = Quaternion.identity; 25 26 private Quaternion referanceRotation = Quaternion.identity; 27 private bool debug = true; 28 29 #endregion 30 31 #region [Unity events] 32 33 protected void Start () 34 { 35 AttachGyro(); 36 } 37 38 protected void Update() 39 { 40 if (!gyroEnabled) 41 return; 42 transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, 43 cameraBase * ( ConvertRotation(referanceRotation * Input.gyro.attitude) * GetRotFix()), lowPassFilterFactor); 44 } 45 46 protected void OnGUI() 47 { 48 if (!debug) 49 return; 50 GUILayout.Label("Orientation: " + Screen.orientation); 51 GUILayout.Label("Calibration: " + calibration); 52 GUILayout.Label("Camera base: " + cameraBase); 53 GUILayout.Label("input.gyro.attitude: " + Input.gyro.attitude); 54 GUILayout.Label("transform.rotation: " + transform.rotation); 55 56 if (GUILayout.Button("On/off gyro: " + Input.gyro.enabled, GUILayout.Height(100))) 57 { 58 Input.gyro.enabled = !Input.gyro.enabled; 59 } 60 61 if (GUILayout.Button("On/off gyro controller: " + gyroEnabled, GUILayout.Height(100))) 62 { 63 if (gyroEnabled) 64 { 65 DetachGyro(); 66 } 67 else 68 { 69 AttachGyro(); 70 } 71 } 72 73 if (GUILayout.Button("Update gyro calibration (Horizontal only)", GUILayout.Height(80))) 74 { 75 UpdateCalibration(true); 76 } 77 78 if (GUILayout.Button("Update camera base rotation (Horizontal only)", GUILayout.Height(80))) 79 { 80 UpdateCameraBaseRotation(true); 81 } 82 83 if (GUILayout.Button("Reset base orientation", GUILayout.Height(80))) 84 { 85 ResetBaseOrientation(); 86 } 87 88 if (GUILayout.Button("Reset camera rotation", GUILayout.Height(80))) 89 { 90 transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; 91 } 92 } 93 94 #endregion 95 96 #region [Public methods] 97 98 ///99 /// Attaches gyro controller to the transform.100 /// 101 private void AttachGyro()102 {103 gyroEnabled = true;104 ResetBaseOrientation();105 UpdateCalibration(true);106 UpdateCameraBaseRotation(true);107 RecalculateReferenceRotation();108 }109 110 ///111 /// Detaches gyro controller from the transform112 /// 113 private void DetachGyro()114 {115 gyroEnabled = false;116 }117 118 #endregion119 120 #region [Private methods]121 122 ///123 /// Update the gyro calibration.124 /// 125 private void UpdateCalibration(bool onlyHorizontal)126 {127 if (onlyHorizontal)128 {129 var fw = (Input.gyro.attitude) * (-Vector3.forward);130 fw.z = 0;131 if (fw == Vector3.zero)132 {133 calibration = Quaternion.identity;134 }135 else136 {137 calibration = (Quaternion.FromToRotation(baseOrientationRotationFix * Vector3.up, fw));138 }139 }140 else141 {142 calibration = Input.gyro.attitude;143 }144 }145 146 ///147 /// Update the camera base rotation.148 /// 149 /// 150 /// Only y rotation.151 /// 152 private void UpdateCameraBaseRotation(bool onlyHorizontal)153 {154 if (onlyHorizontal)155 {156 var fw = transform.forward;157 fw.y = 0;158 if (fw == Vector3.zero)159 {160 cameraBase = Quaternion.identity;161 }162 else163 {164 cameraBase = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, fw);165 }166 }167 else168 {169 cameraBase = transform.rotation;170 }171 }172 173 ///174 /// Converts the rotation from right handed to left handed.175 /// 176 ///177 /// The result rotation.178 /// 179 /// 180 /// The rotation to convert.181 /// 182 private static Quaternion ConvertRotation(Quaternion q)183 {184 return new Quaternion(q.x, q.y, -q.z, -q.w); 185 }186 187 ///188 /// Gets the rot fix for different orientations.189 /// 190 ///191 /// The rot fix.192 /// 193 private Quaternion GetRotFix()194 {195 #if UNITY_3_5196 if (Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.Portrait)197 return Quaternion.identity;198 199 if (Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft || Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.Landscape)200 return landscapeLeft;201 202 if (Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight)203 return landscapeRight;204 205 if (Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown)206 return upsideDown;207 return Quaternion.identity;208 #else209 return Quaternion.identity;210 #endif211 }212 213 ///214 /// Recalculates reference system.215 /// 216 private void ResetBaseOrientation()217 {218 baseOrientationRotationFix = GetRotFix();219 baseOrientation = baseOrientationRotationFix * baseIdentity;220 }221 222 ///223 /// Recalculates reference rotation.224 /// 225 private void RecalculateReferenceRotation()226 {227 referanceRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(baseOrientation)*Quaternion.Inverse(calibration);228 }229 230 #endregion231 }